Strike Authorization Campaign Plan

  • Strike authorization pledge:
    • Assign campus organizers to reach out to all members with a strike pledge card affirming they will vote yes to a strike authorization vote on the current contract; that they will respect the picket line if and when we strike; and that in the event that the union’s dues checkoff rights are revoked under the Taylor Law, they will sign up for automatic monthly payment of dues directly to the PSC.

  • Membership mobilization: develop and support teams of rank and file members on each campus to:
    • Work with organizing staff to get strike pledge cards signed.
    • Work with members, students, and other supporters on campus to build the campaign and organize escalating militant actions leading toward a strike.
    • Educate members about the importance of a strike and how effective strikes can win important gains.
    • Organize picket schedules and train picket volunteers, including in how to respond to potential picket-crossers.
    • Organize drives for food, clothes, books, and other items that might be needed during strike.
    • Begin outreach to collect information about which members will need financial assistance during a potential strike.
    • Coordinate with the PSC central office regarding strike funds and CUNY-wide logistics.

  • Building mobilization capacity:
    • Double the number of part-time liaisons.
    • Hire more organizers.
    • Task all organizing staff and part-time liaisons with developing and supporting the mobilization teams on every campus to get pledge cards signed and build strike support.
    • Eliminate unrealistic membership card quotas for liaisons and retroactively consider all efforts to build power toward a fair contract as legitimate paid work.
    • Include rank-and-file activists and organizers in every aspect of this campaign.
    • Hire student organizers on each campus and/or pay stipends to students to build solidarity.
    • Hire community organizers to mobilize CUNY community members including alumni, families of CUNY students, and parents of NYC public high school students.

  • Financial resources:
    • Raise dues to 2% for all members earning more than $70K/year.
    • Set up an online fundraising platform for a “militancy” fund to provide support in case of a strike.

  • Publicity:
    • Launch a broad public campaign designed to maximize and mobilize the support of students, other unions and their members, and the wider NYC community for a possible strike.
    • Encourage the meaningful participation in public relations work of all rank-and-file member-activists who bring skills and experience into the campaign, including with social media.

  • Coordination:
    • Create a CUNY-wide strike authorization coordinating committee of active rank-and-file campus leaders and organizers from every campus that reports regularly to the PSC Delegate Assembly and Executive Council but is independent of both bodies.
    • Empower this committee to make adjustments to plans and procedures in consultation with PSC staff and in keeping with the spirit of this proposal.